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Costing codes

How costing codes (CC) work

When a job synced or submitted, Tātou applies a costing code based on the following hierarchy;

  1. Task costing code (optional if task type = client, mandatory if task type = internal)
    If available then applied > Manage Admin > Tasks

  2. Block costing code (optional)
    If available then applied

  3. Location costing code (optional)
    If available and no block costing code then applied

  4. Client costing code (mandatory)
    If no block or location costing codes then applied to all client jobs > Manage Admin > Clients

For example;

Client jobs

Internal jobs

Task CC (tick)

No task CC

No task CC

No task CC

Task CC (tick)

Block CC

Block CC (tick)

No block CC

No block CC


Location CC

Location CC

Location CC (tick)

No location CC


Client CC

Client CC

Client CC

Client CC (tick)


If multiple blocks are used with matching costing codes, this will be applied.
If multiple blocks are used with different costing codes, the location costing code will be applied


Tātou reports often include the costing code.

Custom reports can include any data you like but will be blank if irrelevant for a job.

  • Costing code reports based on the rule above

  • Client costing code reports as set in Tātou, if no client = blank

  • Location costing code reports as set in Tātou, if no location = blank

  • Block costing code reports as set in Tātou, if no block = blank

  • Task costing code reports as set in Tātous > Manage Admin > Tasks

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