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Permissions Page

The Permissions page is where create Permissions Groups that can be applied to Employees which determines how they can interact with Tātou.

Tātou Terminology Review:

Permission Groups = are a tool to define an employee’s ability to access and/or work with the Field App and the Office App. There are 3 categories of users based on 26 individual permission items, which allows flexibility to grant employee access relevant to their position in the company.

Leader: a Permissions group will have a under the Leader Column if the permissions allow for tracking time for other employees

Key Features:

  • Create Permissions Groups: Click the “+ NEW” button → ← to create a new permissions group

Pro Tip: Review the list of permissions before creating new permissions groups, to better understand what permissions can be granted, and minimise the creation of unnecessary groups that can complicate account management.

  • Summary of Permissions: Quick checks and tallies of what permissions are enabled for each of the permission categories.

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