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Starting a job

Start a New Job

  1. Open the Tātou Field app

  2. Open the side menu.

  3. Tap Start a Job.


  1. Navigate to the Jobs screen.

  2. Tap the green (plus)-button in the bottom lefthand corner.

Start a Scheduled Job

  1. Open the menu and tap Schedule.

  2. Find the job you’d like to start, and tap the green ▶ button.

You cannot edit the Job Details of a scheduled job.

Edit the Job Details

  1. Set the date—this can be for any date; yesterday, today, or even tomorrow!

  2. Select a task—you can search through the list of tasks e.g. pruning, vehicle maintenance, etc.

  3. Add the client.

  4. Add the vineyard/location.

  5. Add block(s)—this can be a single block or multiple blocks.

  6. Tap Save Blocks

  7. Tap yes to load a blocksheet to manually assign crew to rows, or no to see a simpler view of your job progress.

  8. (warning) Check over the job details carefully—you can’t change these once you start the job. (warning)

  9. When you’re sure everything is correct, tap Start Job.

Next, you’ll be taken to the Attendance screen, where you can mark crew as present or absent and change their role for the job.

Your new job is saved locally until you sync it to the Office, so your data is always backed up.

Unfinished job? Your progress can be carried over, so you can pick up from where you left off another day.

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