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Tātou terminology

Terminology can be different between each software provider and each organisation. Key data can be customised for example; tasks, clients, employee ID’s but the feature names are not editable.

Operational structure

Tatou - Process Map.png


  1. Project = A collection of synced jobs

  2. Scheduled Task = A list of planned jobs to assign and send to employees

  3. Job =

    • Task: The work or activity you are doing

    • Client, Location, Block: Where you are working

    • Expenses: The equipment tracked

    • Timesheets: The employees tracked

  4. Invoicing = Manually selected synced jobs costed and converted into invoice lines

  5. Payroll reporting = Custom report to import into a third party system


Some fields are customisable to ensure your data is meaningful to you. This includes tasks, clients and equipment.

When deciding how much detail you want to track, consider;

  • What do you want to track v complexity for employees?

  • What do you need to invoice or budget for?


“We are only interested in employee hours per client and never do piece rate work.”

  • Harvest (task) at Alandale Farms (client)

“We are interested in employee hours and units per task and invoice clients by block.“

  • Picking (task) at Alandale Farms, Jeffries Road, Block 1 (client)

  • Supervision (task) at Alandale Farms, Jeffries Road, Block 1 (client)

  • Quality check (task) at Alandale Farms, Jeffries Road, Block 1 (client)

  • Bin Runner (task) at Alandale Farms, Jeffries Road, Block 1 (client)

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