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Pay Period Alerts

Speed up payroll! Get the green light for hours and days worked within your thresholds and quickly respond to those above or below.

Setting up alert thresholds

Your account is already set up with default thresholds, but can be customised as needed.

Organisation-level thresholds:

Login to the Office app, navigate to ⚙️ → Settings → Pay Periods to view and edit your Alert settings.

  • Hours per day

  • Hours per week

    • Employees who have agreed hours configured, these will be used as the threshold instead of the Organisation-level threshold.

  • Days per week

Employee thresholds:

Navigate to People → Employees to edit ‘Agreed hours’ in bulk, or click through to customise each employee under their Agreed Hours section in the Employment tab

Alert colour coding

  • Green = Within the threshold

  • Red = Under the threshold

  • Orange = Over the threshold

  • Grey = Absence hours

For example; 30 minimum hours, 40 maximum hours

  • 30 hours (Within the threshold)

  • 28 hours (Under the threshold)

  • 45 hours (Over the threshold)

Pay Summary

This table gives an overview of per-employee paid hours and earnings.

Hours worked are itemised by rate type:

  • Contract hours = hours tracked on contract piece rate

  • Hourly hours = hours tracked on hourly rate

  • Perf. Hours = hours tracked on performance bonus rate

Entitled hours split by type:

  • Absence hours = hours tracked as absent

  • Top-up hours = hours below minimum agreed hours per week

  • Overtime hours = hours above maximum agreed hours per week

  • Top-up earnings = total cost of top-ups

    • Total amount required for the Employee to achieve their minimum hourly rate for all contract piece rate hours worked. Contract settings →

Daily Hours

An overview of all hours tracked per person, per day including absence reasons (grey).

Summaries split by:

  • Worked = all hours tracked at any rate type

  • Absent = all hours assigned to absence reasons regardless of contribution to agreed hours/gross pay

  • Total = above combined

There may be a discrepancy of absence hours with the Pay Summary as this only includes absence hours that contribute to agreed hours and/or contribute to gross pay

Reviewing with filters

Get the most out of Tātou’s Pay Periods by using the filters. Here are some great examples we’ve heard and designed to:

  • Filter by group - organise employees by Group according to their requirements and entitlements, when comparing hours it is easier to see any outliers. Manage Groups →

  • Filter by leader - compare employee hours against their team members to review in bulk and easily identify any trends. Keep in mind that employees can have multiple leaders, so make sure to check all teams if someone's hours appear unusual.

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