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Employees and Groups


Employees: This page is where all your employee data will be stored. Here you can search for specific people or use filters to search by role, group, leader, nationality, contract type or recruitment type.

You can also add new employees by clicking the 'Add New Employee' button. This will show a pop up asking for a name and job title, after confirming these you'll be brought to the employee details screen (shown below) to enter mandatory data like staff ID, nationality, contract type, etc.

The employee details page is also where you can access or edit your employee's details and permissions.

  • Personal details: Here enter the employee's name, DOB, nationality and address

  • Emergency contact: Who should be contacted first in an emergency

  • Employment details: This is an important section as it includes, staff ID for payroll, recruitment & contract type and documents like visas

  • Groups, roles and crew: If the employee needs to be added to a crew or group you can do that here. It is also where you add their roles

  • Login and permissions: Choose what permission group the employee belongs to and what they can access (and whether they are a crew leader). You can also set usernames, emails and passwords here.

Groups: Are a useful way to categorise Employees. A practical Groups structure makes it easy to find Employees and run reports.

To create a group, simply click on 'Add a New Group' and a popup will ask you for a name and, optionally, a description.

Once you've created your group you will be able to add employees to it. Within the group, there is an 'Add Employees' button which allows you to add multiple employees at once.

NEXT Clients, Tasks & Roles

PREVIOUS Employees & Groups

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