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Clients, Tasks & Roles

Clients: Here you can set up your clients, which will contain locations and blocks (if applicable).

Click Add a Client and fill in the mandatory fields like Name, Costing code and Client ID.

To add locations click the arrow on the Client you've created (you can also edit the Client from here), now click Add a location. Fill in the pop up with location data and press confirm.

Finally, there are blocks. Within your locations, you can upload blocksheets (use our blocksheet-template for this). This will allow you to work with rows when using the field app. Blocksheets can also be empty if a site is currently being built.


Tasks: When clicking on tasks, you will be bought to 'Task categories'. Here you can create a 'Task Category' and decide how it's tasks will act in the field app. For example, you can choose whether it's an internal task or what roles can perform these jobs.

Once inside the task category, you can use the Add new task button to create individual tasks that are selected by field app users and allow the office to know what jobs have been worked. 

Roles: these are assigned to employees and decide two things; how much they are paid per hour and what jobs they can perform. 

You can also set new hourly rates for a role with a date that it will be effective from.

NEXT Reports

PREVIOUS Employees & Groups

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