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Adding Roles and Rates

How to add a new role with an hourly rate.


  1. Select People > Roles from the top menu.

  2. Select Add a New Role.

  3. Enter the Role Name, e.g. Supervisor, Machine Operator, Harvester driver, etc.

  4. Enter a default Hourly Rate.

  5. Enter the Effective From date (automatically starts on the current date). All role rates can have a future date.

  6. Select Confirm to save your changes.

Roles can be assigned to tasks and restrict the use of those tasks to employees with that role only.
Roles require a default hourly rate. This will be used if greater than the employees hourly rate or if the employee has no hourly rate set.
Crew is a preset role for the field worker who is paid in various rate types; Contract, Group Contract and Hourly. The default hourly rate is updated by Tātou to match the minimum hourly rate in NZ.

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