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People Menu

Tātou means “we, us, all of us” and we know your employees are a critical part of your organisation. The People menu, is where you manage Employee information, set Roles, create Groups, view Attendance, view Pay Periods.

Login to the Office app, then click on People to navigate between different pages

Getting Started:


What is a Role?
Roles are used to identify an employees Role in the organisation, but they can also be used to:

  • Set different rates based on role specific criteria (e.g. a Supervisor Role might have a higher minimum hourly rate than a Crew Role)

  • Restrict Task completion to employees with specific Roles (e.g. an Employees with a Spray Operator Role are the only people who can complete Fungicide Application Tasks)

What is a Group?
Groups are a tool in Tātou intended to help users quickly find, filter to, or edit Employees within an assigned group.

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